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Follow the conventions, So Tealina can help you generate API documentation, type declarations, and updated index files.

File Structure

  1. All API files store in [api-dir]/[method],
├─ index.ts
└─ post
   ├─ index.ts
   ├─ login.ts
   ├─ category
   └─── create.ts
├─ index.ts
└─ post
   ├─ index.ts
   ├─ login.ts
   ├─ category
   └─── create.ts
  1. One API one file
├─ index.ts
└─ post
   ├─ index.ts
   ├─ login.ts
   ├─ category
   └─── create.ts
├─ index.ts
└─ post
   ├─ index.ts
   ├─ login.ts
   ├─ category
   └─── create.ts

Inside File

  1. Each API file has an export default handler
import type { AuthedHandler } from '../../../../types/handler.js'
import type { Pure } from '../../../../types/pure.js'
import { convention } from '../../../convention.js'

type ApiType = AuthedHandler<{ body: Pure.CategoryCreateInput }, Pure.Category>

/** Comement declare here will be extra to API document */
const handler: ApiType = async (req, res) => {

export default convention(handler)
import type { AuthedHandler } from '../../../../types/handler.js'
import type { Pure } from '../../../../types/pure.js'
import { convention } from '../../../convention.js'

type ApiType = AuthedHandler<{ body: Pure.CategoryCreateInput }, Pure.Category>

/** Comement declare here will be extra to API document */
const handler: ApiType = async (req, res) => {

export default convention(handler)
import type { NextFunction, Request, Response } from 'express'

interface RawPayload {
  body?: unknown
  params?: unknown
  query?: unknown

export interface AuthedHandler< 
  T extends RawPayload = {}, 
  Tresponse = null,
  Theaders extends Request['headers'] = AuthHeaders,
  Tlocals extends Record<string, any> = AuthedLocals,
> {
    req: Request<T['params'], Tresponse, T['body'], T['query']>,
    res: Response<Tresponse, Tlocals>,
    next: NextFunction,
  ): any
import type { NextFunction, Request, Response } from 'express'

interface RawPayload {
  body?: unknown
  params?: unknown
  query?: unknown

export interface AuthedHandler< 
  T extends RawPayload = {}, 
  Tresponse = null,
  Theaders extends Request['headers'] = AuthHeaders,
  Tlocals extends Record<string, any> = AuthedLocals,
> {
    req: Request<T['params'], Tresponse, T['body'], T['query']>,
    res: Response<Tresponse, Tlocals>,
    next: NextFunction,
  ): any
export namespace Pure {
  interface Category{
    /** @default {autoincrement()} */
    id: number
    categoryName: string
    description: string
  interface CategoryCreateInput{
    /** @default {autoincrement()} */
    id?: number
    categoryName: string
    description: string
export namespace Pure {
  interface Category{
    /** @default {autoincrement()} */
    id: number
    categoryName: string
    description: string
  interface CategoryCreateInput{
    /** @default {autoincrement()} */
    id?: number
    categoryName: string
    description: string

import type { RequestHandler } from 'express'
import type { CustomHandlerType } from '../types/handler.js'

type ConstrainedHandlerType = readonly [...RequestHandler[], CustomHandlerType]

type EnsureHandlerType = <const T extends ConstrainedHandlerType>(
  ...handlers: T
) => T
// just do the check type
export const convention: EnsureHandlerType = (...handlers) => handlers

import type { RequestHandler } from 'express'
import type { CustomHandlerType } from '../types/handler.js'

type ConstrainedHandlerType = readonly [...RequestHandler[], CustomHandlerType]

type EnsureHandlerType = <const T extends ConstrainedHandlerType>(
  ...handlers: T
) => T
// just do the check type
export const convention: EnsureHandlerType = (...handlers) => handlers


  1. [api-dir]/[method]/index.ts declare route and hanlder Map
  export default {
    'category/create': import('./category/create.js'),
  export default {
    'category/create': import('./category/create.js'),
  1. [api-dir]/index.ts declare method and routes Map
    export default {
      'post': import('./post/index.js'),
    export default {
      'post': import('./post/index.js'),

Type declaration

  1. [api-dir].d.ts for APIs type entry
import apis from '../src/api-v1/index.ts'
import type { ResolveApiType } from './handler.js'

type RawApis = typeof apis
export type ApiTypesRecord = {
  [Method in keyof RawApis]: ResolveApiType<Awaited<RawApis[Method]>['default']>
import apis from '../src/api-v1/index.ts'
import type { ResolveApiType } from './handler.js'

type RawApis = typeof apis
export type ApiTypesRecord = {
  [Method in keyof RawApis]: ResolveApiType<Awaited<RawApis[Method]>['default']>