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Tealina implements end-to-end typing through a few conventions and the basic features of Typescript, Here is the least amount of code is used to help you quickly understand its principle:

Type extraction flowchart


Batch export APIs

Batch export of APIs using the key value structure brings two benefits:

  1. Each API directory only needs to define a route once
  2. Convenient for subsequent mapping types
/// [api-dir/index.ts]
export default {
  post: import("./post/index.js"),

// [api-dir/post/index.ts]
export default {
  "category/create": import("./category/create.js"),
/// [api-dir/index.ts]
export default {
  post: import("./post/index.js"),

// [api-dir/post/index.ts]
export default {
  "category/create": import("./category/create.js"),

Type alias

A framework based handler function that encapsulates a type alias:
HandlerType<Input, Output, Header, ...Other>

interface RawPayload {
  body?: unknown
  params?: unknown
  query?: unknown

type HandlerType<T extends RawPayload, Treponse, Theaders> = (req, res) => any

// api-v1/post/category/create.ts

// Declare API function type
type ApiType = HandlerType<{ body: Pure.CategoryCreateInput }, Pure.Category>

const handler: ApiType = (req, res) => {

export default handler
interface RawPayload {
  body?: unknown
  params?: unknown
  query?: unknown

type HandlerType<T extends RawPayload, Treponse, Theaders> = (req, res) => any

// api-v1/post/category/create.ts

// Declare API function type
type ApiType = HandlerType<{ body: Pure.CategoryCreateInput }, Pure.Category>

const handler: ApiType = (req, res) => {

export default handler

Type extraction and remapping

Using the infer syntax to extract API information

import apis from "../src/api-v1/index.ts"

type ExtractApiType<T> = T extends HandlerType<
  infer Payload,
  infer Response,
  infer Headers
  ? Payload & { response: Response; headers: Headers }
  : never

type RawApis = typeof apis
export type ApiTypesRecord = {
  [Method in keyof RawApis]: ExtractApiType<Awaited<RawApis[Method]>["default"]>
import apis from "../src/api-v1/index.ts"

type ExtractApiType<T> = T extends HandlerType<
  infer Payload,
  infer Response,
  infer Headers
  ? Payload & { response: Response; headers: Headers }
  : never

type RawApis = typeof apis
export type ApiTypesRecord = {
  [Method in keyof RawApis]: ExtractApiType<Awaited<RawApis[Method]>["default"]>

ApiTypesRecord will become like this

type ApiTypesRecord = {
  post: {
    "category/create": {
      body: Pure.CategoryCreateInput
      response: Pure.Category
type ApiTypesRecord = {
  post: {
    "category/create": {
      body: Pure.CategoryCreateInput
      response: Pure.Category

Type sharing with front-end

Using the package management feature of Node, expose the type to the front-end, Define the exports type declaration in server/package.json and export API types

// server/package.json
  "exports": {
    "./api/v1": "./types/api-v1.d.ts"
// server/package.json
  "exports": {
    "./api/v1": "./types/api-v1.d.ts"

Add server as devDependencies in the front-end web/packages.json

// web/package.json
  "devDependencies": {
    "server": "link:../server"
// web/package.json
  "devDependencies": {
    "server": "link:../server"


When executing build on the front-end, Typescript will use the constraint rules in web/tsconfig.json to check the TS code on the back-end. The reason is that the TSC check only skips the .d.ts file, not the .ts file. Therefore, Ensure that the constraint rules on the front-end and back-end are consistent

Encapsulation request function

Encapsulate a request object using the API type exported from the backend, When writing code, real-time types are used, and using the proxy feature, all requests are handed over to axios.request for processing

import axios from "axios"
import { ApiTypesRecord } from "server/api/v1"
import { MakeReqType, createReq } from "./createReq"

const instance = axios.create({
  baseURL: "/api/v1/",
instance.interceptors.response.use((v) =>

export const req = createReq<MakeReqType<ApiTypesRecord>>(instance)
import axios from "axios"
import { ApiTypesRecord } from "server/api/v1"
import { MakeReqType, createReq } from "./createReq"

const instance = axios.create({
  baseURL: "/api/v1/",
instance.interceptors.response.use((v) =>

export const req = createReq<MakeReqType<ApiTypesRecord>>(instance)
 * Returns a proxy object pointing internally to ` axiosInstance `
 * @param axiosInstance
const createReq = <T extends ApiShape>(axiosInstance: AxiosInstance) =>
  new Proxy({} as T, {
      (_target, method: string) =>
      (url: string, DynamicParmasType) =>
          ...transformPayload(url, rest),
 * Returns a proxy object pointing internally to ` axiosInstance `
 * @param axiosInstance
const createReq = <T extends ApiShape>(axiosInstance: AxiosInstance) =>
  new Proxy({} as T, {
      (_target, method: string) =>
      (url: string, DynamicParmasType) =>
          ...transformPayload(url, rest),

Using 'req' to call APIs with intelligent prompts throughout the process

import { req } from "api/req.ts""category/create", {
  body: {
    categoryName: "Books",
    description: "Desc...",
import { req } from "api/req.ts""category/create", {
  body: {
    categoryName: "Books",
    description: "Desc...",

Type delay

If there is an update to the backend type and the frontend does not respond, This situation is because the Typescript language service has a cache, Two solutions:

  1. Locate the variable, F12 jumps to the definition, triggering a type refresh
  2. Manually restart the TS service, using VS code as an example, Ctrl+Shift+P, find: Restart TS Server and execute it